


Dylan discovered his passion for boxing through an elective “Boxing for Beginners” course at Ohio State. Dylan continued to take boxing and kickboxing classes for a few years, even after moving to Colorado for graduate school. Through the many stresses of school and work, the intensity and focus always provided a much-needed reset to the day or week. With each class, Dylan kept chasing the small changes would lead to a punch or combination feeling more powerful, balanced, and purposeful.

After a few years away from boxing, Dylan came to FLY as the heart of the pandemic was winding down. Seeking non-judgemental motivation to get back in shape, Dylan hoped that FLY could help him rekindle that love of boxing that kept him coming back in the past. A few hundred classes later, Dylan now loves to help other FLY members find their own positive change through exercise and community – whether that’s by hitting a high score, throwing that perfect strike, or just making it to that final bell.

When not at FLY, Dylan works with universities around the U.S. to develop empowering approaches to addressing addiction and overdose.

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